2023.01.16 (日本語) 2022年度1Qの「東工大立志プロジェクト」でのGSA活動と新たなGSA-F認定者 Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.…
2020.08.07 【Voices of Participants】 updated New comments were posted on【Voices of Participants】of this site.These are comments from students who were certified …
2020.07.08 “Tokyo Tech Visionary Project” Remote Class Scene (Part 2) This year, small workshop classes of “Tokyo Tech Visionary Project” were also conducted remotely with utilizing Zoom…
2020.07.08 “Tokyo Tech Visionary Project” Remote Class Scene (Part 1) In this 1st quarter, “Tokyo Tech Visionary Project” was conducted remotely.Auditorium lectures, which had be…
2020.04.14 68 students newly certified as GSA Academic Year 2019 successfully ended. Through “Peer Review Practicum” classes, which were offered in 3Q and 4Q, tot…
2020.02.10 “Liberal Arts Final Report” Class Scene (Part 2) GSA-R (GSA Reviewer) students, as well as the registrants of “Peer Review Practicum”,are involved in the “Liberal Ar…